function useEffect(effect: EffectCallback, deps?: DependencyList): void;
type EffectCallback = () => (void | Destructor);
type Destructor = () => void;
type DependencyList = ReadonlyArray<unknown>;


React.useEffect(() => {
  doSomeAsyncThing().then(result => {
    // do something with the result

local storage的综合案例

import * as React from 'react'
function useLocalStorageState(
  defaultValue = '',
  // the = {} fixes the error we would get from destructuring when no argument was passed
  // Check for a detailed explanation
  {serialize = JSON.stringify, deserialize = JSON.parse} = {},
) {
  const [state, setState] = React.useState(() => {
    const valueInLocalStorage = window.localStorage.getItem(key)
    if (valueInLocalStorage) {
      // the try/catch is here in case the localStorage value was set before
      // we had the serialization in place (like we do in previous extra credits)
      try {
        return deserialize(valueInLocalStorage)
      } catch (error) {
    return typeof defaultValue === 'function' ? defaultValue() : defaultValue
  const prevKeyRef = React.useRef(key)
  // Check the example at src/examples/local-state-key-change.js to visualize a key change
  React.useEffect(() => {
    const prevKey = prevKeyRef.current
    if (prevKey !== key) {
    prevKeyRef.current = key
    window.localStorage.setItem(key, serialize(state))
  }, [key, state, serialize])
  return [state, setState]
function Greeting({initialName = ''}) {
  const [name, setName] = useLocalStorageState('name', initialName)
  function handleChange(event) {
  return (
        <label htmlFor="name">Name: </label>
        <input value={name} onChange={handleChange} id="name" />
      {name ? <strong>Hello {name}</strong> : 'Please type your name'}
function App() {
  return <Greeting />
export default App